Lucy designs, develops and delivers national and international projects. Ongoing and past projects include:


Your Local Arena Live 2023-24

Reprising the Your Local Arena project in partnership with Speaking Volumes to realise the live, nationwide programme of events that was curtailed by Covid-19 and forced online in 2020-21. Arena films are the focus of a series of local events, with complementary podcasts with local artists/historians/activists, and new writing. The events are aimed at inter-generational, multicultural local communities. They will inspire new writing and uncover hidden community stories and oral histories.


Your Local Arena

Creative producer - in partnership with Speaking Volumes - on a new literature project using BBC Arena’s documentary archives. Conceived to screen Arena films with links to local areas, with responses from contemporary artists alongside complementary podcasts with local artists/historians/activists, and new writing, these events took place online. They still sought to inspire new writing and uncover hidden community stories and oral histories, and can be explored here.


Writers Mosaic

Guest editor for ‘Common World’ edition of Writers Mosaic, with Nadifa Mohamed, Stephanie Seddon, Jacob Ross, Romesh Gunesekera, Monique Roffey, Robert Huggins, Gillian Slovo and Kamila Shamsie.


BBC Media Action

Trainer for drama script-writers and an on-going drama consultant for BBC Media Action in various countries, including Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania and Afghanistan. Also, delivered similar projects for other international organisations, for example, in Chechnya (Peacebuilding UK), Pakistan (FCO), Sri Lanka (Internews) and Lesotho (Prince’s Fund).  


Cities of Literature

Co-writer of the report, Cities of Literature: Initiatives, Impacts and Legacies, (Antonia Byatt Consultancy, for British Council, 2019).


Creative writing in Yemen

Developed and delivered a programme of creative writing workshops, and “train the trainers” toolkits for women practitioners in internally displaced people’s camps across Yemen. The aim is to create an outlet for less-heard stories from displaced women.

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Radio in the Lake Chad Basin

Trained, mentored and managed the script writing team for the station’s on-going soap opera (Okapi Consulting), for Radio Ndarason Internationale, broadcasting in Kanuri across Lake Chad Basin, reaching 10 million listeners.


Griffith Review

Editorial consultant for a special edition of the Griffith Review - Commonwealth Now. Identified and commissioned writers from across Africa, South Asia and the Caribbean to contribute to a pan-Commonwealth edition of this Pacific literary quarterly.


Nancy Wake

Her children’s book Nancy Wake, the Gestapo’s Most Wanted Woman, is published by Short Books.